AIM OF THE EVENT: Inclusion and equipping Heineken employees with skills that will support their effectiveness: the ability to divide roles and tasks, effective communication, making firm decisions, assertiveness, giving effective feedbacks, solving problems together. Increasing the awareness of employees in the area of mutual cooperation and improving the effectiveness of activities. Building a synergistic team.
COMPONENTS OF THE EVENT: Taking use of the appropriate methodologies and training tools needed to create a dream team. Integration of the team. Clarification and demonstration of the importance of synergies. Professional tips and comments from trainers indicating areas that can be improved to work even more effectively. Identifying the strengths of the employee and using those strengths at work.
ACHIEVED RESULTS: To improve the atmosphere within the team, based on building trust and strengthening motivation. Achieving satisfaction of the participants with the joint action and achieving the goal that unites them. Improvement of communication processes in the company. Strengthening bonds, relaxation, reduction of the effects of stress. Breaking the routine.